Travel to a place where you know nobody and instantly become part of the community there. That’s the experience that I had visiting Stockholm and using the Impact Hub Passport! Everyone from the founder to the hosts and members were extremely friendly and collaborative. This has been the first stop on my journey which will take me to 3 (now 4) hubs in Europe, so it will always have a special place in my heart.


Visiting Hubbers

The space here is incredible and they have interesting ways of getting members involved with leadership. Their “Community Hosts” volunteer one day per week to earn their membership and they have “Member Hosts” who provide expertise in a particular area such as marketing or IT. They also have member lead events like climbing and running groups each week.

What makes Impact Hub Stockholm unique?

  • Members from Israel, Belgium, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, etc.
  • They were open before the first HUB in Islington.
  • WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has actually slept at Impact Hub Stockholm.

The highlight of the trip for me personally was working with Anton Håkansson & Simon Olander Sahlén on their app DayCape, a digital image calendar for children with autism. We hacked on Objective-C together, as they had recently lost their iOS developer.


Anton & Simon

Thank you for the hospitality everyone! The WineDown was really fun and I had a great time going to the climbing gym with the group. I formed some lifelong friendships during my brief time here in Sweden. I’ll be back, but I hope to see you all in Boulder at some point.


  • Check out the fancy adjustable desks. They are awesome.
  • Members gather every day around noon for lunch. Join them!
  • Don’t be intimidated by the language. Everyone speaks English.